for several industries
Public & Private Organizations
Holdings & Corporations
Departmental Organizations
All-in-One Solution
Single Entry Point
Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP
Business Process Management - BPM
Document Management - DM
Business Intelligence - BI
Digital Transformation Platform
Maintenance & Remodeling Management System
Zero Downtime
Design Your Business
Centrally developed and maintained
Easily configurable to your needs
On-premise / Cloud Software
One-Time / Pay-as-You-Go
Licensing Model
We Help...
organizations of any size
Public and Private, Holdings, Corporations, Groups, Geographically dispersed, SMBs
with industry knowledge
…integrated in EMSYS and available without additional development or programming.
Industry Solutions
Public Sector
Sales & Distribution
Food Production
...see more

- Standardize on EMSYS and you’ll have even more flexibility than before!
- Rapid remodeling and support; real-life business standardization models; on time and budget implementation.
- One person – one document – one single time; transaction validation ends the processing; shortest time to report availability.
- Reduced support and management costs; no surprise costs after implementation.
- A single application for a heterogeneous infrastructure, managing multiple suppliers, and properly handling complex integrations.
The easiest to use complex solution
We made it simpler...
…by making all EMSYS’ components easy to access and use.
Tools for effective management

The choices are virtually limitless because there are combinations of capabilities and functionality to fit any size organization, in any major industry, in any point of its development and for any available budget.
Cash-flow forecasting
Budgeting system
Business units
Profit centers, Cost objects
Indicators, Objectives, Exceptions
Result structuring
Today's Choice for Tomorrow's Business
Modelling and configuration is done by the user with specific tools
Modeling and configurations persist in future versions.
No-Code: User configurable and remodelable management system
Zero Downtime: Maintenance, Remodeling management system
Independently working management and operational system
Reports based on standard, as well as user-defined dimensions
Multiple integrations with other commercially available applications
Integrations with fiscal applications
Performance tracking of any management and analysis structure

Businesses need to be ready to swiftly evolve and adapt to market changes.
Especially in difficult times, when resources are scarce and costs are high, it is extremely important for any business to adapt to any market conditions on the fly, with as little disruption as possible.
Easy on the Users