EMSYS – Asset Management

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It has been designed to assist organizations to improve the performance and maintain the functional condition of assets over the long term and to integrate asset management with the organization’s business objectives in accordance with PAS 55 and ISO 55000 standards.

b3lineicon|b3icon-computer-rocket||Computer Rocket

What is it?

EMSYS is a web application with real-time information for the management of large and medium-sized commercial and public organizations, but it can also be used successfully for small organizations. It is aimed at group organizations, holding companies, or with territorial dispersion (sub-units). Departmental organization on any level is easy to achieve.

It is a product of the ERP range and is a support in the integrated management of financial and human resources, assets, stocks, services in order to maximize performance. It integrates operational processes for the following industries: insurance, utilities, construction, food, manufacturing, retail, sales and distribution, public sector, universities, oil and gas, other industries.

EMSYS is an application that has numerous tools, modelling and configuration facilities for users. It allows dynamic remodeling of organizations without the need for the intervention of the software provider or specialist consultants. Real-time remodeling of definitions (codes) is also allowed.

The time factor is in the life of each definition.


The asset management concepts and best practices...

…implemented in our product provide organizations with the opportunity to achieve specific objectives:

  • accurate knowledge of the organization’s own assets
  • management of assets transferred or taken over from third parties
  • planning maintenance work in line with financial resources
  • increasing the role of the business in preventing disruption
  • improving the ability to respond to incidents or damage
  • rehabilitation or replacement of degraded assets in due course
  • minimizing life-cycle costs of assets
  • efficient allocation of operating and maintenance resources
  • ensuring spare parts and maintenance material requirements
  • coordination of maintenance work with the manufacturing program
  • promoting environmental, health and safety policies
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Last, but not Least

The business analytics and performance indicators implemented in EMSYS provide a realistic picture of business activity at all levels of the organization.

Through the modelling and configurations implemented, it is possible to manage assets such as mechanical and electrical equipment, installations, buildings, land, linear assets: roads, power grids, pipelines, etc. This makes EMSYS a solution for organisations in different fields: industrial production, energy production, extraction, utilities, public sector, etc.

b3lineicon|b3icon-list-check||List Check

Asset Management

EMSYS approaches assets from several perspectives: form of ownership, geographic location, systems functionality, asset and management responsibilities, common properties and characteristics.

All these architectural elements as well as information about each asset form the concept of asset management. Asset Management describes the organization of asset data, how it is collected and managed, how complete the information is, how it can be accessed, location, historical costs, asset condition, criticality, maintenance history, etc.

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Asset Performance & Costs

Asset Monitoring

The alerts issued by the system provide a real-time picture of situations arising in asset management and maintenance activity: how complete the information is, how equipment activity is reported, asset-specific deadlines (insurance, authorisations required by law, metrological checks, warranty terms, pledges). Other alerts are issued in relation to deadlines for planning, launching and closing of maintenance work, stocks falling below the scheduled level.


Standard reports on maintenance work, cost analysis, failure analysis, life cycle are available in the form of lists, graphs, dashboards. Implemented performance indicators allow managers to track the performance and added value of assets to the organisation’s business.


Maintenance Management

EMSYS implements the two main types of asset maintenance, preventive and corrective according to the European standard EN 13306:2010.

The Preventive Maintenance module provides asset managers with preventive tools to ensure the highest possible availability of assets over the longest possible period. Maintenance work planning is proposed by the system or by managers, goes through an approval process, and work can be started, postponed or rescheduled according to the organisation’s budget, production targets or other constraints.

Developing inspection schedules and managing the measurements made within them provides information for planning other work necessary for optimal operation and prevention of outages.

The workflows implemented in the Corrective Maintenance module are designed to increase the ability to respond to incidents or failures in order to restore assets to normal condition. The system allows direct recording of corrective maintenance notifications or retrieval from various sources: inspections, call- center, monitoring equipment. Statistics based on the recording of faults, causes and consequences make it possible to prevent future breakdowns and to allocate the necessary funds for corrective maintenance work.

Maintenance Works Management manages the initiation, execution and closure of maintenance works arising from the approved plan or corrective maintenance work requests resulting from notifications. A maintenance work can be executed through a work order or a project. Expenditure on resources required for corrective maintenance work carried out on an emergency basis may be subsequently recorded in the system.

Work orders can be executed individually or grouped into a work order. Maintenance work orders are integrated into the overall work order management with the possibility for maintenance users to manage them separately. The execution of maintenance work through projects is achieved by generating one or more work orders per task described in the project plan. The work orders thus released follow the same work order execution process.